To purchase products made by the Russian company “Kubanskie Khlebtsy”

ООО «Кубанские Хлебцы»

About the manufacturer

LLC Kuban Loaves are producers of crispbreads, bran and breakfast cereals. The products are manufactured by extrusion which allows you to saved all the nutrients, fiber and vitamins. Crispbreads and bran are suitable for dietary, diabetic and sports nutrition because they do not contain sugar, yeast and artificial additives. We have also created a unique line of Gluten-free crispbreads that meet new market trends and are in demand along with classic types. Bran allows you to control appetite and give a long-term saturation of the body. The fiber contained in them improves digestion. Breakfast cereals are a classic sweet treat. It will be available in different packages for all categories of Buyers. The top flavors of our fillings have won gold medals at international exhibitions, and the bright packaging invariably attracts Customers.
Presence pavilion:
UAE, China, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia
Legal address:
350072, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, str. Ostrovsky, 42 office 14
Importer's language of communication:
Русский, Английский.
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